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You are unique. It is my job to understand your uniqueness. 


In getting started, we need to get to know each other as every buyer has unique desires, needs and tastes. As your realtor, it is my responsibility to understand those things completely in order to best represent you. I don’t want to sell you just any house, but partner with you to find the right home that is the perfect match for your needs. For over 15 years, I have helped hundreds of home buyers find their dream home, many of them first-time home buyers. 


When we connect, I will have plenty of questions for you, so feel free to come armed with lots of questions for me. If this resonates with you, let's talk.

Sandy Patel-Hilferty personable approach to buying homes.


510-881-3445    |    Email Sandy    |    License # 01494783

1625 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94709    |    6211 Medau Place, #210, Oakland, CA 94611

Compass Real Estate

© 2025  Sandy Patel-Hilferty

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